You’ve probably heard of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in relation to humans, but did you know that dogs can suffer from this disease as well? While there is still a lot to learn about IBS, we do know it affects a dog’s upper intestine and stomach.
What Is IBS?
This uncomfortable condition can cause all sorts of symptoms, like chronic diarrhea, lack of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, and fever. Here are some additional signs of IBS:
- Mucus in feces
- Nausea and vomiting
- Depression or lethargy
- Discomfort when lying on the belly
- Abdominal pain and sensitivity when touched near the abdomen
- Constipation
- Bloating
Veterinarians believe that IBS can be caused by a variety of issues, including genetics, parasites, bacteria, allergies, or problems with the immune system (WebMD).
While there is no one cure and it may be difficult to even diagnose a cause of IBS, there is good news: you can help alleviate your furry friend’s symptoms.
Dog Probiotics for IBS
Research has shown that bacteria in the gut can actually be a good thing. For dogs with digestion problems, probiotics can help add good bacteria to the intestines. This good bacteria can aid in proper digestion and give your dog have a happier, healthier gut.
Strands of bacteria like Bacillus Subtilis and Bacillus Licheniformis are two such strands that have been shown to improve the odor and quality of a dog’s feces (Research Square). A dog probiotic that includes these ingredients will be a great supplement to a pup’s treatment plan.
Dog probiotics don’t have to be scary, in fact, many probiotics for dogs come in tasty treats. Giving your dog a probiotic doesn’t have to involve dreaded pills and can be an easy way to supplement your dog’s diet!
This is why we did a lot of research on our dog probiotics - we wanted them to be in a healthy and nutritious treat versus a difficult pill your dog doesn't want to swallow.
Joelle Cuprak, NurtureVet Guest Blogger